Hotel Facilities
When in Melaka, stay with someone familiar and at a convenient location. At the MOTY Hotel, we provide a touch of personalized service at affordable prices. Apart from a round-the-clock reception counter to ensure your needs are well taken care of, we also provide free & fast WiFi internet connectivity.
With ample parking space readily available and 24-hour security, you can relax and unwind at our indoor swimming pool, which is complemented by a whirlpool and a children’s pool. Separate steam and sauna facilities are also available for men and women.
Indoor Swimming Pool
One of the very few hotels in Melaka with an indoor swimming pool. Adjacent to the swimming pool is a wading pool for children and a whirlpool to soothe tired muscles. There are also separate changing rooms for men and women that come with their own steam and sauna facilities.
Steam and Sauna
Relax at our steam or sauna rooms (separate facilities for men and women). Your wellness oasis where you will feel refreshed and rejuvenated after this short escapade.
The MOTY Hotel, no better place to be!